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RoadMap - خطة الدراسة

  1. Introduction + creating a working environment
  2. setup standlone server
  3. How script is formed and how to make your first script
  4. Print commands and variables & commands
  5. KeyMapping
  6. important fivem natives
  7. if statement
  8. client events
  9. functions
  10. loops & thread
  11. key controls
  12. draw markers

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Relational Operators
  3. Logical Operators
  4. Arrays
  5. models
  6. animations
  7. object oriented programming
  8. stream cars & handling
  9. stream maps
  10. stream clothes
  11. stream weapons
  12. stream peds
  13. stream fonts

  1. setup esx-core
  2. Introduction to the database
  3. server callbacks
  4. important esx-core functions
  5. import from data base
  6. export from data base
  7. create menu with label
  8. create discord logs system
  9. create job system
  10. create robbery system
  11. create new coin system
  12. create shop system

  1. create weapon system
  2. make used items
  3. make inventory system
  4. learn permissions system
  5. make sell system
  6. setup glopal level system
  7. Examinations on other sections

  1. learn cards system
  2. learn licence system
  3. learn vehicle shop system
  4. learn garage & impound system
  5. learn how to make full tebex system
  6. make pirsonal level system for job or robbery
  7. make menu for car remote control system
  8. make animation menu system
  9. make clothes item system

  1. make admin system
  2. make panic system
  3. make mechanic system
  4. make car chop shop system
  5. make radio system

  1. make protection system
  2. Examinations on other sections

  1. setup qb-core
  2. learn important functions and exports in qb core
  3. make jobs in qb-core
  4. make used items in qb-core
  5. make clothes items in qb-core
  6. make shop in qb-core
  7. permission in qb-core
  8. setup vrp-core
  9. learn important functions and exports in vrp core
  10. make jobs in vrp-core
  11. make used items in vrp-core
  12. make clothes items in vrp-core
  13. make shop in vrp-core
  14. permission in vrp-core
  15. learn how to convert qb,vrp,esx to vrp, esx, qb

  1. getting starting files NUI
  2. starting Git and GitHub
  3. introduction to HTML5
  5. opening and closing tag
  6. tags in head
  7. body tag
  8. self closing tag
  9. heading
  10. Paragraphs
  11. Formatting
  12. Attributes
  13. Quotation
  14. class & id
  15. links

  1. images
  2. lists
  3. table
  4. iframes
  5. Forms
  6. HTML Media
  7. svg
  8. font awesome
  9. examples and training

  1. introduction to CSS3
  2. ways to link CSS in HTML
  3. developer tools
  4. colors
  5. background
  6. border style
  7. dev tag in html
  8. semantic tags in html
  9. margin
  10. padding
  11. height / width
  12. text

  1. fonts
  2. links
  3. lists
  4. table
  5. display
  6. z-index
  7. opacity
  8. Float
  9. position
  10. overflow
  11. pseudo-element
  12. border-radius
  13. border-image
  14. Multiple Backgrounds
  15. box-shadow

  1. Text Effects
  2. 2D Transforms
  3. 3D Transforms
  4. Transitions
  5. Animations
  6. Masking
  7. Multiple Columns
  8. box-sizing
  9. Variables
  10. Media Queries
  11. Flexbox
  12. Grid Layout Module

  1. library
  2. make full template ui (HTML & CSS)
  3. introduction to JS
  4. ways link script tag in html
  5. Code structure
  6. Variables
  7. alert
  8. Data types
  9. Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
  10. Type Conversions

  1. console.log
  2. Basic operators, maths
  3. Comparisons
  4. Conditional branching: if, '?'
  5. Logical operators
  6. Nullish coalescing operator '??'
  7. Loops: while and for
  8. The "switch" statement
  9. Functions
  10. Function expressions
  11. Arrow functions, the basics
  12. Coding Style
  13. Objects
  14. Object references and copying
  15. Object methods, "this"
  16. Constructor, operator "new"
  17. Methods of primitives
  18. Numbers
  19. Strings
  20. Arrays

  1. JS html Dom
  2. jQuery
  3. jQuery practice and JS

  1. UI project (flight job)

  1. UI project (radio)

  1. UI project (animation menu)

  1. UI project (advance pc)

  1. training and practice